To Know my UK Visa Fate Tomorrow: Speaker at Global Excel Summit Conference, UK

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In October 2019, I was given a speaker role at the Global Excel Summit that will hold 21-22  April 2020 in London, UK.

On 12 December 2019, I applied for a 6 months UK standard visitor visa.

Yesterday, I got an email, 2 actually, that my application has been assessed and I should come to collect my passport. The email didn't say whether the Visa was granted or not. In fact, it dedicated a paragraph to emphasize that this is not a successful or denial notification.

So tommorow, I'll have to go check for myself whether I was granted or not. Then, I will know whether to start preparing my presentation slides and demonstration contents, or inform the organizers that I'm stuck at visa application stage.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Encountering visa problems specially when you have important business abroad is really stressful. More so if you learn that you are denied and knowing your date of travel is near.


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