How I Prepared For And Passed FMI Advanced Financial Modeler (AFM) Certification Exam

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

In the financial modeling professional world, Financial Modeling Institute (FMI) issued certifications are the most visible and, perhaps, most rigorous.  I have been teaching Financial Modeling since 2016 and have been creating financial/investment models since 2012. I have undertaken many very helpful training -- classroom training, online training and remote (but not online) ...


My 2018 In Few Exciting Paragraphs

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

On a super light note, I started the year looking like this: And I am ending the year looking like this: You would notice that I now look handsomer -- special thanks to expert advice in my life. Secondly, I would be getting more of those expert advice going forward.  You would notice that I have stopped posting daily like I used to. It's majorly an experiment and then a precautionary ...


Basic Technical Analysis of Nigerian Equities Market Using Power BI

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

I have been working hard on our stocks analysis platform -- www.nigeriamarketdata.com -- and some of the recent additions I made are some level of technical analysis incorporation. Personally, I took a big hit in the stock market this year. I kept buying throughout the year even as stocks were going down. I did not pay too much attention to general buy/sell trends in the market. Actually, ...