A very happy new year to you!
What are your plans for the year?
Have you made any new year resolutions?
What are your career goals this year?
What are your health goals this year?
What are your self-development goals this year?
What are your spiritual goals this year?
What are your expectations this year?
What are your strategies for the year?
Me, all my plans, goals and strategies for the year can be summed up in this: To build web application products. That's all! And so help me God.
I was reading on Quora today about why most people never take up the entrepreneurship journey. Lots of people replied and it all boiled down to the reality that is very difficult and demanding. It sucks everything from you. You spend all your time on it and have to do everything yourself in the beginning, and the money will not start rolling in immediately. On top of it all, there is no guaranty that all will go well and you won't have to give up and go look for a regular job.
It made me very grateful to God and appreciative of my progress so far. And it also made me see that my extreme lifestyle change is one of the side effects of being an entrepreneur and not that I'm some weirdo.
I will be more thankful this year. Will take pride in the little things. Won't be greedy for quick success. I will do the things that matter. And, again, so help me God.
Once again, happy new year!
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