MVP #74: Fascinating Use of PowerQuery

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With PowerQuery (now Get & Transform in Excel 2016), you can analyse data from many different sources, including Facebook and any website.

There is one feature the Excel 2013 PowerQuery add-in has: Online Search. I find it a very fascinating tool. I can simply type in what data I need and search. Excel will pull the data for me from different online sources and I can import/load the one I want.

In this demonstration, I will search for population data. Maybe I want to get population by country data.

See the result above? It even lets me preview the underlying data in the search results. Cool.

So I'll pick the one of "Countries - List countries by population". 

It starts loading it into Excel. And when it's done, the result is that below.

Now I have the data I need without having to leave Excel or know where to get the data from. And better still, it would have beat Google search results for for a generic search term like "population data".

Hmm, China represents 19% of the world population and India 17.4%. That explains why they are everywhere and very entrepreneurial. United States is number 3. Indonesia is number 4. Brazil is number 5. Pakistan is number 6. And Nigeria is number 7. These are the type of things we are part of top 10 for.


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