Smart and Hardwork Are Not Enough. You Need Excellent Imagination Too.

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: sciculture.ac.uk "Inspector Gregory, to whom the case has been committed, is an extremely competent officer. Were he gifted with imagination he might rise to great heights in his profession." - Sherlock Holmes in Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. It is not just enough to be smart and hardworking, they will only make you indisposable at work and a great friend to call when in ...


We've Finally Expanded To Covering Abuja: In-depth Excel Training, Executive Dashboards & Business Data Analysis training

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

Register for the upcoming special In-depth Microsoft Excel and Business Data Analysis Training class for sales managers, data analysts, finance professionals and business analysts.  Just 10 slots available!  Microsoft Excel is the world's most used business intelligence tool. Its knowledge is even compulsory for an MBA degree and the investment world depends greatly on it.  This ...


Your Biggest Source Of Income

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: telegraph.co.uk One of the best advice I have received is: Focus on your career, that is where most of your income will come from. Yes, your career is your biggest source of income. You can win a N5 million jackpot (for those into NairaBet, SureBet and MTN trivia game). But that will not be anything compared to what you'll get from your day job (or business) over a period ...


Class Training on Business Data Analytics using R

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

In an ever increasingly challenging business world companies look to data to provide the edge required for operational superiority. Data Analytics not only provides a comprehensive view of the past but also a strong indication of what is in store for the future. Extracting these insights from data and formulating a robust business case to aid management make informed decisions is now the ...


Prospecting. For clients and for opportunities.

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. image: notonthehighstreet.com Most of us are loss averse. We don't mind trying over and over again, practicing till we are perfect and following the no pain no gain mantra, as long as the loss isn't a financial one. We don't readily throw our money at speculative ventures and it's the main reason most of our companies don't have R&D departments. ...


The Surest Way To Hit Lots Of Money And Become Very Rich

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: pushsquare.com Becoming super rich is one topic everyone has varying opinions. There are endless books on how to work your way into riches, and unfortunately most are just the author's unproven concepts. The academic world skilled in research and uncovering the genuine principles have little interest in the topic. Luckily, some people with the experience, academically sound ...


Book Review: Blue Ocean Strategy

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

Last year I bought this book published by Harvard Business Review. It has a lot of positive reviews and well recommended by many people for business (would be) owners. The idea the book is based on is that to beat your competition you have to make them irrelevant, you have to expand your product offerings to uncontested markets. This, they called blue ocean. You can create a blue ...


The Difference Between Forex Trading And Binary Options Trading

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: proflyboard.com Oftentimes, a winning idea is not a new idea; it is the combination of several old ideas in a new way. And that is the way I view things. I am always trying out new things even when I don't see what the likely end will be; my mindset is one of expanding my mind and detecting winning combinations of ordinary ideas. That is why if you read my blog posts, you ...


Why The Super High Dollar Exchange Rate Is Not Going To Boost Our Export

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: themanufacturer.com On TV, on radio and on newspapers, I keep hearing people say the increased dollar rate and oil price slump will help us develop our manufacturing industry and export more. This is not true on a national basis. If you have a Cocoa plantation, it will be true for you. If you already manufacture something exportable and already have the resources and experience, ...


Give The Right Things Chance To Catch You

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.  It is not that we don't do enough good things, it is the bad things that draw us back. And we do more bad things than we readily accept. I suspect it's because we think in absolute bad and absolute good. We consider our actions in isolation, detached from circumstances around them.  A ...


Learned Something New About Forex That Contributes Significantly To Profit

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: forexsignalprovider.com Yesterday, I met a forex guru who owns his own forex trading company. He came for a digital and social media marketing class I am facilitating, with the hope of growing his company's reach using the skills he'll get at the training. And being a smart guy, I made sure I got some advice from him on how to make more from my forex account. I showed ...


Creative Ways To Make Money Online

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: dotcomdecoded.com Everyday I make money online. It is not so much, ranging from $120 to $800 monthly. And that is not factoring in the offline opportunities I get from my online activities. So what are the creative ways you can open yourself up for extra income online? Sell your service online. Whatever service you can render, have it listed on Jiji.ng, olx.com and ady.ng. ...


Once You Take A Step, Everything Changes

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: flickr.com There are things that can't be planned from start to finish, taking care of all the intricate details. Life, itself, is one of those things. Everyday I tell myself that everything changes when I take a step. And it is not a fancy new talk but something I have been experiencing for a long time now but didn't know how to explain it until my programming jobs/projects ...


Why We Love The People Who Don't Give Us Attention

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: fontsinuse.com I've got an interesting theory. No, it's not about Dasuki and the $2 billion. No, it's not about Buhari and PDP. No, it's not about CBN and the dollar rate. In fact, it's not about anything you would you expect.  My interesting theory has its roots in heartbreaks. It is the cause of most heartbreaks. It is why we love and are not loved ...


Why You Should Value Useful Knowledge Over Money

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

People win lottery of huge amount of money. People inherit wealth. People hit jackpots and get wealthy in an instant. But I have never heard of anyone suddenly acquire knowledge in an instant. No one has suddenly become a doctor in a lottery fashion. No one has become a successful business manager in an instant by inheritance. When you think about it, money is way much easier to acquire ...


Have Some Belief In Yourself

posted on , by Michael Olafusi

image: appliedalliance.wordpress.com I see too many people who don't have enough belief in themselves. They are constantly letting others push them around. They work hard but not for themselves. When you have ideals that have been pushed on you. When you do things that the only reason you have for doing is because that is what is expected of you. When you don't value the results ...