Selling About 10 Copies Of My Book A Month

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I am currently selling about 10 copies of my book a month on Amazon Kindle store. It is not a lot but for the type of book it is and the fact that most Nigerians can't access the book on Amazon, so I am relying on sales to US, UK, Indian, French and German customers, then it's something significant. 

Then there are months of spikes. The first two months of publishing the book, I got a lot of sales. Then things started slowing down. I have experimented with different price points: $5.99, $9.99, back to $5.99, and now testing $3.99. At all these price points I have made sales, except for the $3.99 I just set yesterday night. 

The extra benefit I get from publishing on Amazon is that I enrolled my book for the Kindle Unlimited program. So people who subscribe at $10/month to Kindle Unlimited (a type of library access plan) can read my book. Amazon then pays me for every page of my book read. And luckily for me, people are reading my book. Yesterday I got about 200 pages read. And that was a Sunday. At the end of the month, it all adds up and is the equivalent of making more book sales.

I am considering abandoning the plan to have a hardcopy version of the book. I intend to update the book, alongside my video training course on Udemy. I will be adding a lot more things I have learned and cool new features in the current version of Excel. And with Amazon Kindle, updating a book is extremely easy. Takes just a few hours and costs nothing. I will be able to benefit from the 5 star ratings the book already has and the relatively good ranking it has in its Amazon category.

I also now run an advertising campaign on the book to give it more visibility and cross-sell it to Amazon customers buying similar books.

Increasingly, I am finding that I get more results from online alternatives than the traditional way of getting things done. Without any marketing on my part, my online Excel course training is selling. My book on Amazon sold with little push. And now all my marketing for my business is now done online using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Email marketing. And I am getting results. 


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