Successful January Training. Details of February Training.

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Last week Friday and Saturday were very busy days for me. We had our January Excel training class. One of the participants flew in from Abuja. And as expected the feedback was excellent. There were many "Wow! So that is how those reports are done." moments and "Oh my God! I spent an entire day trying to do just and still didn't get it." moments.

And the participants all loved the practical and interactive way the training was conducted. All their questions were answered and even questions they should have asked were answered. I had to spent most of Sunday resting.

The next month's class will be on the weekend after presidential election which is also a week before the state elections. The two elections are two weeks apart: 14th and 28th February, 2015. While our training is on 20th and 21st February 2015. You can read more about it the training here: UrBizEdge Excel Training. And you can reserve a slot on our Eventbrite page. We also have adverts running on Google already, if you search for Excel training related keywords, you will see our advert right there above or beside your search results.

Again, there will be just 10 slots and at a discounted price.


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