Career Improving Courses You Can Take For Free This Year

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The world is changing very fast. The biggest companies in the world aren't ones manufacturing a physical product. They are primarily software companies. Technology companies. Very soon the main difference between third world countries and the developed ones will be access to technology. And the few of us who have prepared ourselves for that future will be like the first generation of university graduates Nigeria produced in the 1950s: opportunities will abound.


The most valuable skill now is knowledge. Not just knowledge you acquired in your secondary school and university, but a knowledge that is in pace with global trends. A knowledge that is constantly being updated and expanded. 

And in my today's post I will be sharing with you the high quality and career improving courses you can enroll for online freely and offered by the top universities in the world like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, John Hopkins, and Yale University. They provide you international quality education and a real-world valuable skill that will positively impact your career. You can acquire a real world valuable skill in anything you want, from Entrepreneurship to Finance to Programming.

And here are the courses:

  1. Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace -- University of Maryland
  2. Getting and Cleaning Data -- John Hopkins University
  3. Introduction to Classical Music -- Yale University
  4. Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1 -- University of Maryland
  5. The Data Scientist’s Toolbox -- John Hopkins University
  6. R Programming -- John Hopkins University
  7. Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II -- University of Virginia
  8. Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies -- Case Western Reserve University
  9. Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics -- Wesleyan University
  10. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects -- University of California
  11. Statistical Inference -- John Hopkins University
  12. Hardware Security -- University of Maryland
  13. Image and video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital -- Duke University
  14. Developing Data Products -- John Hopkins University
  15. Regression Models -- John Hopkins University
  16. Introduction to Finance -- University of Michigan
  17. Programming for Everybody (Python) -- University of Michigan
  18. Cryptography I -- Stanford University
  19. Critical Thinking in Global Challenges -- University of Edinburgh
  20. Introduction to Linux -- Linux Foundation
  21. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python -- MIT
  22. Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer? -- MIT (You will win $1,000 gift if you pass a verified track)
  23. Introduction to Computer Science - Harvard University 
  24. The Science of Happiness -- UC Berkeley
  25. Signals and Systems, Part 1 -- IIT Bombay
  26. Innovation and Commercialization -- MIT
  27. Economics of Cybersecurity -- Delft University of Technology 
  28. Jazz Appreciation -- University of Texas
  29. Circuits and Electronics -- MIT
  30. Embedded Systems - Shape The World -- University of Texas
  31. Introduction to the Music Business --Berklee College
  32. International Human Rights -- Université catholique de Louvain 
  33. Principles of Written English, Part 2 -- UC Berkeley 
  34. Artificial Intelligence -- UC Berkeley 
  35. Intro to HTML and CSS -- Udacity
  36. JavaScript Basics -- Udacity
  37. How to Use Git and GitHub -- Udacity
  38. Intro to Java Programming -- Udacity
  39. Programming Foundations with Python -- Udacity
  40. Developing Android Apps -- Udacity
  41. JavaScript Design Patterns -- Udacity
  42. Intro to iOS App Development with Swift -- Udacity
  43. Data Visualization and D3.js -- Udacity
  44. Intro to Machine Learning -- Udacity
  45. Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce -- Udacity
  46. Web Development -- Udacity
  47. How to Build a Startup -- Udacity
Finally, don't feel overwhelmed by the volume of what is out there to learn or be tempted to think that they are not valuable in the real world (or Nigerian world). It's true that the people living as kings now are not the brainiacs or most hardworking or even knowledgeable, it will not always be like this. It used to be like that too in the developed countries, when traders and politicians were the richest and most powerful. 

It is certain that things will change and value will matter. It would be terrible if you are not filthy rich now and then do not position yourself for the future wealth transfer. Don't stack all the odds against yourself, arm yourself with relevant knowledge skills. Prepare for the inevitable future, and you might end up being the new king in the coming season.


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