Don't Micro Manage Your Life
We all know how terrible it is to have a boss who micro manages you. Rather than give you space to do things your own way he tries to superimpose on you his own overburdening plans. He doesn't stick to his area of expertise but gives forceful suggestions on everything you do, work or not work related. He sucks the life out of every work activity and kills the joy that comes with meeting goals because he forces you to take a very uncomfortable route to doing everything. He micro manages you and you hate it.
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Unfortunately, some of us are like that in dealing with our own lives.We micro manage ourselves. We have a plan for everything and wouldn't give allowance for some creative randomness. We pronounce each day wasted or invested. We don't see a day for what it is and interfere less with things. We micro manage ourselves.
We create too many plans; we expect too much; we don't live in the moment and enjoy the goodness it brings. We handle our lives the very way we we wouldn't want anyone else to. We kill the joy in living. We become our own micro manager.
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