Today's your lucky day. I'll show how to do just that.
Here is my Excel chart of all the houses in Lagos by regions: Ikeja, Lagos Island, Victoria Island...
I'll like to have this in a PowerPoint Slide. And just the chart.
To make the chart more visual friendly, I'll do some slight formatting.
And here's my better formatted one. I added a Data Table.
Now, I'll put this in a PowerPoint Slide.
Here's my PPT, already made ready.
I intend to put the chart in the 2nd slide.
So I copy the chart and paste it in the 2nd slide. Just at the lower right corner of the pasted chart, I see a CTRL icon. I click on it. It gives me extra paste options. I choose the Keep Sourc Formatting & Link Data.
And that's all. You can do this for any chart.
So let's do some testing testing.
Here's my final chart.
I'll go make some changes in the Excel chart table.
Let's see if the PowerPoint Slide chart changed.
Voila! It updated itself.
And that's how to make dynamic charts in PowerPoint, that will update directly from Excel.
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