MVP #5: My most useful Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts

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Hi! Welcome to the fifth post in my Excel MVP series.
In this tutorial, I will show you my most used (and very useful) Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts. 

Do note that CTRL + C means press CTRL key and while keeping it pressed, press C key. While, ALT, H, V, V means press ALT key, release it and press H, release it and press V, release it and press V.

1. CTRL + up arrow: This will select the first entry in a column within a table, the first after a blank cell or the first cell in that column. But in most use cases, you'll want to select the first entry in a column and as long as your table has no blank cells, that's what this keyboard shortcut will do.

2. CTRL + down arrow: This will select the last entry in a column within a table, the last before a blank cell or the last cell in that column.

3. CTRL + left arrow: This will select the first entry in a row within a table, the first after a blank cell or the first cell in that row.

4. CTRL + right arrow: This will select the last entry in a row within a table, the last before a blank cell or the last cell in that row.

5. CTRL + SHIFT + up arrow:  This will select all the cells from current cell to the first entry in that column within the table, the first cell in that column or the first cell in that column.

6. CTRL + SHIFT + down arrow: This will select all the cells from the current cell to the last entry in that column within a table, the last before a blank cell or the last cell in that column.

7. CTRL + SHIFT + left arrow: This will select all the cells from the current cell to the first entry in that row within a table, the first after a blank cell or the first cell in that row.

8. CTRL + SHIFT + right arrow: This will select all the cells from the current cell to the last entry in that row within a table, the last before a blank cell or the last cell in that row.

9. CTRL + END: This will take you to the last entry in a table or the last cell in the excel sheet.

10. CTRL + SHIFT + END: This will select from the current cell to the last entry in a table or the last cell in the sheet.

11. CTRL + C: To copy current cell or selected cells

12: CTRL + V: To paste

13: ALT, H, V, V: To paste values only

14: ALT, H, V, S, T: To paste formats only. Very useful for maintaining a uniform format across multiple tables, even in separate workbooks.

15: ALT, H, V, S, V, M: To multiply selected cells with the copied cell value. Very useful for converting numbers imported as text back to numbers, by multiplying by a cell with value 1.

16: ALT, H, V, S, V, D: To add copied cells to selected cells. Eliminates the need for formula when summing.

17. ALT, H, V, S, V, S: To subtract copied cells from selected cells.

18. ALT, H, V, S, V, I: To divide selected cells by the copied cells. Very useful for computing rates (e.g. price per item from a table of items bought and total cost)

19. ALT, H, V, S, V, E: To paste copied table in its transposed form, with columns and rows swapped. Very useful when you need to run Index, Vlookup, Match, Hlookup or Offset functions on some tables.

20. ALT, N, V, T: Insert a Pivot table. Way faster than the mouse point and click alternative.

21: ALT, A, M: To remove duplicate entries in a table. Extremely useful when working on a table sourced from multiple sources, to prevent double data entry.

22. CTRL + down arrow (after selecting a cell range with formula/data only in the first row): Copies the formula/data to all the other selected cells.

23. CTRL + right arrow  (after selecting a cell range with formula/data only in the first column): Copies the formula/data to all the other selected cells.

24. CTRL + F: Open the Find and Replace dialog box.

26. CTRL + B: Format selected cells' font as Bold

27. CTRL + I: Format selected cells' font as Italic

28. CTRL + U: Format selected cells' font as Underlined.

29. CTRL + PAGE DOWN: Move to the next sheet in the workbook.

30. CTRL + PAGE UP: Move to the previous sheet in the workbook.

31. CTRL + +: Add an extra cell or row or column.

32. CTRL + -: Delete a cell, or row or column.

33. ALT, F, D, E, A: Send workbook as an e-mail attachment. Extremely cool and fast way to forward the workbook to the boss without closing the Excel workbook.

34. ALT, H, E, A: To delete everything within the selected region - values, background color, borders, everything. Extremely useful when clearing a sheet.

These are my most used Excel keyboard shortcuts. There are still others I occasionally use, like ALT, J, D, E - to edit the selected data for a chart (more like re-select data for a chart).

Feel free to drop your most used Excel keyboard shortcuts via the comment box.

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